Drought Resources:
Fryeburg citizens may get water from the Town Office if their well has run dry. There is an outdoor spigot on the front of the building. People may come inside for tap water during Town Office hours.
Maine Emergency Management has put together a page with drought resources here: http://www.maine.gov/mema/prepare/prep_display.shtml?701117
This page has links to resources for low income households, who, if eligible, could apply for aid for well drilling. Also, Oxford County was included in an economic disaster declaration for farms affected by the drought and there are links to that information as well.
The state is also requesting that we direct any folks who have dry wells to call 2-1-1 to report their well. This information will allow the state to see where drought problems are and how widespread it is. This will help them moving forward to determine any eligibility for assistance. The information already gathered from 2-1-1 shows callers from all regions of Oxford county except for some of the extreme northeastern towns (this is based on caller information only). Also seen in this data is that the overwhelming majority of wells that have gone dry are dug wells..
The state, as well as Oxford County EMA, will be working to push out information about water conservation via media and social media networks. You can find them at http://www.facebook.com/oxfordcountyema. The state drought task force has also begun to meet monthly you can read the minutes of the last meeting here: http://www.maine.gov/mema/newsroom/mema_news_display.shtml?id=718343